I just went on a big self editing spree which includes trimming this album down to one-sitting length, and cutting out all the oversharing on this blog that no one could possibly care about anyway. It was an ill-conceived attempt to "connect" with other musicians and listeners, and who really wants that? Nobody. Okay, good. Here are the things I still want you to know about this record:
*I play every instrument on the album, and taught myself drums over a few months by playing along to sequenced tracks I had accumulated on my computer over the years. These loops + drums became the basis for most songs on the album
*I recorded the album on Windows 98 & the computer would cut out every 5 seconds I tried to mix. I gave myself a crash course in mixing, eq-ing, compressing and such by skimming the internets.
*"Moonlight Paradise" is partly based on my fairly accurate guess about the ending of LOST after watching one season
* I'm not a fan of Barry Bonds, but wanted to write a song about him after seeing him get crucified by the media during his home run chase, and after catching myself drinking a "performance enhancing" beer before recording while seeing him lambasted on Sportscenter
*"Snuff Queens" is a term from the '50s to describe country music groupies (actually this one's set in the urban cowboy era around 1982). That's what the narrator of this song (not me) is singing about--not any kind of tobacco or the horrible, horrible movies
*I like kinda crappy album art, reminiscent of that book "Boring Postcards"
*the songs I cut from this album are gonna pop up again somewhere--TRY NOT TO PANIC
*Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment.
Stream the album by hitting the streampad bar at the bottom of the screen. Download the .zip file of the whole album, or download individual tracks below.
Download Calvin Hairstyle - Fried Ice
Calvin Hairstyle -- Moonlit Paradise
Calvin Hairstyle -- I Am Barry Bonds
Calvin Hairstyle -- Glitter Spot
Calvin Hairstyle --Snuff Queens
Calvin Hairstyle -- Blonde Wire Stomp